Saturday, March 23, 2013

Palm Sunday celebration in the city

Hey All,

I came across an event and I would love to share it with you.  As tomorrow is Palm Sunday, let us rejoice and celebrate.   I am taking this information straight from their page on Facebook.......

OSU Gospel Fest Sunday 4:30p-7:30p

The Ohio State University celebrates African American Heritage. As a part of the 35th Annual African American Heritage Festival, the roots of gospel music (that has been an aid to generations) is explored through praise, worship, song, dance, instrumentation, and rhythmic expressions. You are invited to attend this free concert!
Artist Include:
Jonathan McReynolds
Schuyler Jonson & Company
Michael & Tanya(Sister Act) Blount-Trotter
Marquitta Minniefield
The African American Voices Gospel Choir
University of Cincinnati Gospel Choir
CDance Company and much more……….
Hosted by Kasaun Wilson (DC/Maryland)
Artist will be selling product!
Location: Performance Hall at the Ohio Union
The African American Heritage Festival has been a venue of celebration, education and collaboration with the African American and extending OSU student community. With a culmination of events and programs over an eight-day period, we hope to continue the legacy!
Mission Statement: “To educate, impact, and promote cultural awareness
at The Ohio State University and in the Greater Columbus community while commemorating the legacy of the African American experience”
General Information
This past year we celebrated the 34th Anniversary of the Heritage Festival under the word “(Msisimko) Passion Never Fades. Ambition Never Ends.” Our mission was to engage the university and Columbus community in programs that generate an appreciation for the African American experience.

This year, our theme is (Tumaini), Swahili word for Hope. Each event will reflect this theme.

As always, you can read my blog at and you can email me at with all request and responses.
Stay blessed and I look forward to chatting with you :-)
La Shawnda
Scripture of the week:
Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus befor the world began
II Timothy 1:9

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Updates to my blog

Hey All,

I know you are tired of reading about my woos so I am giving myself a blog break.  I will now be coming to you with more entertainment, current/local events, and all things that affect the gospel community.  Let me know if your church is hosting and/or celebrating something and would love for visitors to come and fellowship with you and your congregation.  As Resurrection Sunday (Easter) approaches, I would love to share your churches information with those who may be looking for a place to worship in the spirit of His Resurrection. 

This Sunday, March 10, 2013, my home First Church of God will be having its 76th church anniversary.  This is such an amazing event to celebrate God's grace over a family that has been together for 76 years.  I would love for you to come and worship with my church family as we welcome two guest preachers, Pastor Max Ware and Pastor Tim Jones, as they offer a word during our celebration.  Here is my church's address:

First Church of God
3480 Refugee Rd.
Columbus, OH 43232
Service times: 9:00am and 11am

Don't forget to "spring forward" by setting your clocks one hour ahead before you go to sleep tonight.

As always, you can read my blog at and you can email me at with all request and responses.

Stay blessed and I look forward to chatting with you :-)

La Shawnda

Scripture of the week:

And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge. And to knowledge temperance, and to temperance patience, and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness charity.

2 Peter 1:5-8

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Living with shame/guilt

Hey everyone,

After having a great weekend, I was kind of groggy this morning so I decided to watch church online instead of getting up and going.  I am kicking myself now because I missed the atmosphere of great message that my bishop taught.  Today's lesson was on living with guilt and shame.  I needed this message the most because I realized that I am still carrying the shame of making a bad decision last year.  I even talked about this mistake again this weekend in saying how bad of a mistake I made and I cant believe that I done that. 

However; though my lesson, I realized that I have often asked for God's forgiveness but I have yet to forgive myself.   That is one of my greatest yet simple hurdles to get over.  In my devotion, when I lay my issues before God, I am forgiven.  Therefore; I need to forgive myself in the same manner.  Stop over thinking the situation and let it go!! 

As always, you can read my blog at and you can email me at with any request or responses.

Stay blessed and I look forward to chatting with you.

La Shawnda :-)

Scripture of the week:

Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness; according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions.
Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.

Psalms 51:1-2

Monday, February 25, 2013

Happy Birthday to the CEO!

Hey everyone,

I want to take a moment to wish a very Happy Birthday to the CEO of WTMH Gospel Radio, George Quinn.  Hope you had a blessed day :-)

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Hey all,

I am just getting in from having lunch and conversation with ladies that I volunteer with in one of my churches ministries.  Although I volunteer with them twice a month, I really haven't had the time to get to know them on a personal level.  In speaking about small church stuff, the conversation lead to some history of the lives of these wonderful women.  It was eye opening conversation.  I sat and was mesmerized on the trials that these ladies have been through.  The mixture of family and culture through out the years.  Oh, I forgot to mention that every one in the room was much older than me (I'm talking grand kids older.....LOL). But one of the ladies at the table said "these young mothers today don't even talk to their children about history." 

I thought that was a very good statement.  I began to think on this being Black History Month but how many of us turn to our own family to learn about our own history?  I missed a really great opportunity when I was younger to milk my grandmother for all of her stories.  I was at her house just about every weekend until I was 18yrs old.  I realize now that I took a lot of her wisdom for granted.  I do have a few family members that are doing ancestry work and laying the bricks that go me to this point today but it not that easy.  A lot of questions we have but the matriarchs of my family have all passed on or too old to speak about their past.  You know hindsight is 20/20 but when I do reminisce of my time with my grandmother, I really missed the time I spent with her.  I could have done more listening instead of talking.  But its never too late to begin to talking to family members that are here with us.  Just start the conversation and sit back a listen.  :-)

As always, you can read my blog and email me at: with any request or responses.

Stay blessed and I look forward to chatting with you.

La Shawnda

Scripture of the week:

For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be righteousness of God in him.

2 Corinthians 5:21 (KJV)

Monday, February 18, 2013

I need a Pep Talk!

Hey Everyone,

Happy President's Day.  I purposely waited to post today instead of yesterday because, well, I have the day off.  Not that I didn't yesterday, but I was purposely being lazy for no reason.   I know it doesn't make sense because I said last week that I accepted the challenge of working towards a healthier lifestyle.  That is still going strong but I did not realize how hard this would be.  I am actively walking but it is out of necessity and not because of health (I have to walk my dog).  But getting down and dirty in working out, I am less motivated now than I was a week ago.  This week will be challenging with my time as I add in my volunteer activities. 

Now I see the excuses once again is getting in the way.  I have the opportunity to work out at a gym at my residence and I am eating much better but the excuses are getting in the way again.  Typical of millions of people that want to change their lifestyle.  I was once told that working out is 90% motivation to do it and 10% of actual movement.  I pray in my consecration that I will have the motivation and clear mind to do this.  But its going to take a lot of will power.  Good thing that I did was commit to a walking club at church.  There are some ladies that walk at various parks in Columbus and I will be joining them shortly.  All it takes is the starting point!! 

To help with my motivation I saw this little guy on YouTube and he wants to give the world a pep talk. 
As always, you can read my blog and email me at: with any request or responses.

Stay blessed and I look forward to chatting with you.

La Shawnda :-)

Scripture of the week:

And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that he who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ.

Philippians 1:6 (AMP)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Faith and Fitness.

Hey everyone :-)  This week I want to talk about faith and fitness. 

My church, First Church of God, held a wonderful fitness expo yesterday called FaithWorks.  While taking part in all of the activities (2 mile walk around the church, fitness/boot camp workout), I got to thinking about how I pray at every meal for God to have the food give nourishment to my body.  So I am eating a donut, some french fries or a piece of cake and I am asking for nourishment to my body?  I think I got it a little twisted.  Don't get me wrong, I am really blessed and thankful for having food because there was a time in my life that those items weren't not easily accessible, but now there are many times that I have a choice.  My eating patterns pretty much yo-you throughout the year.  You know how it goes, around November, I start pigging out. December comes a month of cookies, hot chocolate, and everything fried.  January 1, I make the commitment to eat better and that will last until the middle of February because I see chocolate covered strawberries on the horizon. 

But now I was given a challenge.  One of the sisters at my the expo looked at me as said "I am glad you offered to help because I want you to run a 10k in May".  WHAT, 10k?  I don't even know what a 10K was and I had to google it.  My thoughts was that I would take what I need from the expo and slowly begin to change my eating patterns and really make a lifestyle change so that I don't yo-yo; until I was challenged.  I had to let the conversation sink in and ask God if I could really do something like this.  Running is not my strong suit but I can walk at a good pace.  Then I heard a whisper telling me to challenge myself.  I need to step out on faith and prove myself wrong.  I am always the first to give in and give up before it even gets started.  So, I am going to start getting my mindset and goals moving toward to running in May. 

The food actually is going to be the easy part.  At First Church of God, we partake in the journey to the resurrection by Daniel Fasting and praying beginning Ash Wednesday and ending on Easter Sunday.  We are given a set of guidelines to follow while fasting and a book to read while in prayer.  I will outline my goals to God during my consecration and this will help me move towards a better me from the inside and out.  I'm looking forward to gaining the motivation, energy, awareness and continual peace that God gives me.

I will keep you updated each week on my journey.  Let me know if you have a personal goal or a journey that you want to begin but you may need a little motivation or a jumping off kick start.  I would love to share your story because you may be the inspiration that someone else needs to start their journey.

As always, you can read my blog at:  and email me at with any request or responses.

Stay blessed and I look forward to chatting with you.

Scripture of the week:

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31 (KJV)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Welcome to WTMH Gospel Blog!

My name is La Shawnda and I will be coming to you weekly with what's going on in Christian news, entertainment, church functions and whatever the Lord wants me to speak about. Let’s have an open forum on what your thoughts, views and issues that is present within the Christian community.  If you have any church or community activities happening, I want to know about it so that I can share with the community of readers.  So have fun, speak openly and let's get to talking.  You can view my weekly blog post at

You can also email me at with any request or responses.

Stay blessed and I look forward to chatting with you :-)

Scripture for the week:

I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me.

Philippians 4:13 (KJV)